BestialityRapeHumiliationTeenTrue StoryFantasyYoungFictionMasturbationCannibalism


"Black doesn't Stain"

Copyright 2019 by tcs1963 All Rights Reserved "BLACK DOESN'T STAIN" by tcs1963 Her skin was pale white, almost to the point of glowing. She was hitchhiking, with her thumb stuck out like a well-lit signpost. Her left arm cradling a small bundle very gently but protectively. I noticed her because her skin contrasted against the dark night sky. Almost as if luring me to pull over, like preteen children trusting the molester in a dirty white work van, holding a handful of candy. I had never stopped to pick up hitchhikers before and as a matter of fact, I was always...


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Vatsyayana Kama Sutra Part 2, Chapter 5 : Sexual union by On Biting, and the means to be employed with regard to women of different countries

Biting is only natural during sex. It is part of the sexual process. One of the partners could bite himself/herself while having sex and this would be out of sheer pleasure that she/he is getting, while having sex. Another reason for biting during sex is that one of the partners might enjoy biting the other partner while having sex. Yet another reason for biting while having sex is that one partner might enjoy the pleasure/pain of being bitten while having sex and so the other partner is trying his/her best to please the other partner, by biting him/her while having sex...


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Down on the farm_(3)

There is very little sex in this story. The story talks about sex but it doesn’t go into the details that a lot of you want. Over 17,000 words; 34 pages long. I am not a farmer nor have I ever spent a single day working on a farm. Please don’t nit pic the details of this story and tell me, ‘that’s not the way it’s done on a farm.’ Down on the Farm Edward Johnson stood on the front porch of his family’s two story farm house surveying the surrounding countryside. The first rays of sunlight had just lit up...


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The Aftermath 5

Jim had been pacing for an hour now, after destroying their invasion fleet, they'd set out after the only remaining ship of the Krang fleet. Mary and Amber had watched him almost the whole time "Jim if you don't sit I am going to knock the shit out of you, I can't take much more of your pacing," Mary almost snarled. Jim quickly sat in the command chair trying not to look at Mary, "sorry Mary I hate this waiting, I have nothing on tap to do nothing to work on, you know I hate being idle." "I realise that Jim...


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