Letter No 3 July 2013 Hi Dave, Your wife and me So it not been a full year but there has been a development of exquisite delight with your wife. I can’t believe how far your wife has developed in the 3½ years since I first fucked her and all the things that she has accepted along the way. Of course only a small fraction of that development is down to me, but I have certainly appreciated the hand of others in these things. More than that I have appreciated the introduction from you and Lisa of so many married women into my games; who now come by at a regular interval to play with me, I am usually busy 3, sometimes 4 nights a week. I had previously spasmodic play with women for these games, but to be introduced to 7 women in a short span of time who were attractive all in their 30’s, (with the exception of your mother in law); all married and allowed to play (most important); all had done levels of kinky and rough sex; four were already well trained k9 experienced and five were full scat trained and four, I’d class as pain sluts: I know most of these ladies were involved in your swap club, organised most by your sister in law but it is an Aladdin’s cave for a man like me. I have continued to push Lisa to bring over one or both of your boys to watch her submission to me, but so far it hasn’t happened, I know she feels both are still too young, but I detect that her resistance to the idea is now very low and I feel it could happen almost any time. By her own admission she has come so very close to letting it happen. I have to say that in the recent month’s she has seemed hotter and hornier than ever, I know she has been very sexually active during that time. Lisa has always been keen to play, but I would say she seems even greedy for sex now, almost since she brought George over for his session. That seemed to light a fire in her. I would say and ask you if you can concur, I think her clit has grown in the last year; because it always seems to be poking out and oh so sensitive. I have explained to you that she and I have played this game of chance, which if she loses she has to bring one of your sons over with her. I have also played the same game with her sister under the same conditions. I have no doubts that if either loses, which ever sister that is would not go through with the deal, it’s actually quite delicious to see how torn each is, each is not only excited but hugely aroused and can’t hide it, but each is fearful of the outcome. The very first time I had Lisa play the game she lost and she should have had to bring your youngest over – he wasn’t even 9 at that time she was horrified yet at the same time became sexually insatiable for hours and that was the night she volunteered or offered that instead she would do a K9 session. These days both she and her sister seem more relaxed about which son would join them. I think they both know it will happen, I think within weeks. Lisa had the same resistance when I first suggested she needed to try K9 action, now she’s doing that several times every week. Of course with your own 2 boys when she starts it will be “morning, noon and night” every day. I told you I’ve been putting her in bondage, naked of course and in compromising positions for the boys to find her. Of course I could put her into such bondage that she couldn’t free herself and one or both of them would find her, but I prefer the scenario of her brining each one over here in just her heels and stocking and us doing a session, following on from George that is now a real possibility. You’ll know that in May this year she brought over your nephew George, for a session where she specifically begged me not to do scat or K9 action. I agreed, but on a condition. Recently she has admitted to me that she should not have restricted any action with George watching back in May; she had hoped that he would stay with you over the summer holidays for a few days and she would have brought him over for an unrestricted session, but their plans have changed. Now she’s planning a full on session with him over Christmas. When she negotiated the first session with George with me I think we both had in mind that the penance would be to bring one of your boys for a repeat of what we did with George. Because the session with George went so well, mainly because he had been bonking the shit out of Lisa’s pussy and arse and using her mouth as his personal urinal for 5 or 6 days and cum bucket before he came here, he was more relaxed and really got into the spirit of the session. In about 2½ hours we had done the things that Lisa and I had agreed on, she gone out to clean herself up a bit and he was saying to me, - “there’s more we can do –isn’t there” he told me how he had watched your wife plus his mum and you two brothers playing a game a few weeks earlier involving stuff and he was pretty sure you all knew he and the other 3 boys were watching, because his mum had blatantly come to where they were, still in her SM gear with all sorts of stuff still attached to her. For a moment he thought (hoped) she was there to offer herself to them. He knew she was drunk; there was no effort to cover any part of her body, even though each nipple had a big thick nappy pin inserted in it her nipples were out hard like organ stops, which he admitted was a turn for each of them. She’d told them it was time to go to bed, but none of them moved much, drinking in the view and getting hard ons again. In his own words, his mum seemed as relaxed to be there like that in front of them as they did looking at her; she was actually prolonging their viewing of her body and enjoying it. So when Lisa re-joined us I told her we were starting again, we probably did another 90 mins, this time using pins and needles etc., on her boobs and pussy, then I showed him how to whip her bound boobs and spread pussy with cat and whips till she climaxed –several times. All three of us enjoyed that second part better than the first and George did all the work. My favourite was when we had her sat on the edge of my big kitchen tale without any restraints at all, Freestyle as I call it, as it adds a whole level of submission. First I gave George firstly we played with her nipples, pulling, biting sucking and running ice over them, first once they were elongated and hard I offered four thin 4” pins to George and had him push 2 into and right through each nipple to form an X, Her reaction was fantastic, breathing heavier and groaning each time, but it gave me confidence to do the next bit, which was I had George slowly sew her pussy together. It took about 20 minutes; he used a fair sized darning needle and thick thread, making 7 insertions in each lip. She gripped the table sides hard and moaned and groaned on each push through, but didn’t really cry out, he nipples, clit and labia were all swollen and blood engorged with arousal and obviously she bleed from each hole, even when her cunt was fully tied up and pulled closed. Lisa had told me she’d had her pussy sewn up 4 times before that day, including her first by her sister. I looked over George’s handiwork, which was good, I saw her clit was sat proud of her upper lip, I’d never seen hers so big and swollen. It occurred to me to get George to piece that as well, but I refrained for that day. There was a dribble of blood onto my kitchen floor. I told George to whip her pussy with the Cat ‘O’ nine, which he done twice before that afternoon, this time I saw her legs part slightly and he really hit her; she climaxed the first time on strike three. She came off hard; it was Lisa that told him to do it again. He did. The next 2 climaxes she begged him to hit her; the fourth she said ‘enough’ but I said continue and he got a fifth out of her. She was a sweating shaking wreak by then and the session was really over, because he had cum off when whipping her as had I, no way where he or I getting hard again. There was no restraints on Lisa’s part by that time and I knew and she knew that next time the three of us met up, it would be an all-out no-holes-barred session. To me it also boded well for when she does bring one of your boys over. When Lisa had told him next time either his Mum or Katie would take her place. He had wanted to know about how far things could be taken, beyond what we had done, she’d let slip she’d done dog as had both the other two women. During this phone conversation a few days after the event, I was trying to lead her to say we’d do it all again but with one of your boy’s instead of George and I was pretty sure that was where we were going. But No! As you are aware and have seen. I have three mates with 4 dogs between them who the ladies all play with; in fact these days each animal gets to play at least once a week. I know those three mates get visits from all the wives in addition to the ones at my place. She’s told me that your brother, Karen his wife and George and his brother Miles will be staying over for 4 or 5 days at Christmas. Obviously Karen knows all about Lisa seducing him and letting him watch us and so on. As you know I’ve had rough play a few times with Karen and she’s a pretty good submissive. So Lisa has promised George a full on session at Christmas and Karen knows about this promise. Following conversations with her, I understand Karen is now having sex with George every day and that he has agreed that they would do a session where he could treat his Mum in a similar way to what he’d done with Lisa, which she was delighted with. The last I heard was Karen was on the verge of letting the younger son play in which event it will be both boys wanting to see Lisa’s full session at Christmas. I have suggested that if that is the case, then maybe we ought to being doing it with the four boys present, watching and helping: Lisa didn’t dismiss that idea, just nodded and said ‘maybe’. I said that if we were to do that; she needs to bring both of yours up to the level of the other two before then. She knows that when I say a full session that means I will be doing everything that has been done to her so far, plus a few new ideas. Since that first discussion, I have talked to her about it, stating that when, ‘not if’ we do that session I will let the boys do most of the work on her. Although she hasn’t verbally confirmed she will go ahead, I can see she has accepted it will happen, because I can see a level of arousal in her as I talk. The fact that Lisa knows Karen is playing with her boys almost daily, has changed her own view. But before all of that with George, your sister-in-law, Katie brought over a young lad in February name of Darren - son of one of my favourites Tania. Low and behold barely a week later he was here with his Mum, which was most special. Tania became second of those lovely MILF’s you introduced to me to, to play the games in front of her son and so it has continued, Lisa obviously didn’t know about Darren and Katie and Tania until quite recently. Almost exactly as Lisa asked for with George; Kate and Tania asked no scat and no K9 when Darren is there. Even though they are both the most experienced in both acts with your wife very close behind. Since then Tania now comes over one night every week with Darren, your sister in law brings him almost the same amount of times and both come by on their own another 2 or 3 times. Recently I told them both that it’s time to go full on with what Darren witnesses now in a session and Kate agreed instantly and Tania wobbled a bit but said yes, once she knew Kate was up for it. I also said it was time for Tania to bring her other boy over and for Kate, like Lisa, to start bring hers over. Which brings me to the various visits Lisa has done this year so far to me, starting with one when she knew she’d pay a penance for the restriction of action on George. The next time we spoke she said it had been one of the best sessions at my place she’d ever done, George was really fired up by the whole thing, I could tell Lisa was so turned on by George doing stuff to her. I think she would have allowed him to do anything he wanted and she admitted she regretted putting a block on K9 and scat action in that session. When I first met them, Katie, Tania and your mother in law and 2 other wives were all well used to dog action through contacts Katie had, the remaining wives needed a bit of goading to try it and all except one, now do regular action. As you know Hailey tried it maybe half a dozen times, then declared she found it too humiliating, my mate Bob then got her to do it maybe 3 or 4 times a year, but only with him and his dog, but he tells me she is doing now going over to ‘see’ him, every week and doing dog play each time. Her husband usually goes with her and encourages her, like you he has also licked and eaten at her pussy after she is dog fucked, and also like you he has sucked on the dog cock and a few times taken it to completion. He thinks if he can get Hilary to take it anally, hubbie might do as well. At the moment, we are working on getting Hilary to get some action with my other mates and their dogs. I am also aware that Lisa as with the other wives has regularly played with dogs with contacts from her sister and maybe elsewhere. I truly don’t mind as it seems to increase her libido, as it does with the other women. Anyway back to our phone chat, so she was saying that next time we meet up, she would …. and my mind missed it because I was thinking she’d say bring Simon over, but she said something else entirely. You’ve met Rory more than a few times and watched him, me and his dog on your own wife and others. Well as you know he’s a real dirty bastard and loves all the stuff Lisa and your female friends do, and he is very keen when it comes to your wife. For some 6 months at the meetings we had with Lisa when he’s brought a dog over he’d been suggesting to her that she give his dog’s arse a good licking, he must have suggested it at 3 or 4 sessions. She just laughed it off, but I knew he was really gagging to watch her do just that; mind you so was I too. I’d never seen any of the other wives do it, but he had this idea that Lisa would go for it; because in the last year her sister and one of the other wives have done just that when visiting him alone and doing dog, and he said they just needed some encouragement. So that day on the phone when she said she would do it, I did a double take and my mind froze for about 10 seconds, my cock still in my trousers which had been getting hard just shot off, so yes I was going to take that. I knew your boy would be along soon. Rory and I had to wait awhile before it happened. To be honest I was more excited than when she first agreed to do dog, which seemed an age ago by now. Rory was just as excited, his first words to me that evening were ‘will she do it properly’. I said she always does things well. Then she arrived to cut off any further discussion, she wasn’t nervous like her first dog time, far from it she seemed buzzing. Everyone was eager for things to start and Lisa went through the usual first part of kissing and licking then she guided the dog into her pussy. Bishop, Rory’s dog, gets woman action 2 or 3 times a week, so he knows what to do, that night he seemed to sense something was up, Lisa exclaimed he penetrated her cervix that very first entry, it always sends a woman wild in ecstasy, but it doesn’t always happen as you know. So when that first interaction was over, we knew what was coming next after a short break, she laid down with Bishop again and this time she was going for the oral sex, she sucked his cock till he was hard again, she must have still been hot, because she was swallowing his dong almost in deep throat action, then she let it slip out of her mouth and run her lips along the shaft right down to his black hairy sheaf, she did this about 4 times over maybe 10 minutes, all the time he was dribbling his precum juices into her mouth or over her face. Then she kissed his ball sac, she looked up at us to make sure we were paying attention then she ran her tongue tip right up to his arsehole, lifting his tail out of the way with one hand. She ran her tongue all round and over the large puckered hole. Rory and I couldn’t get closer we were right on top of her. We had already stripped off and had been stroking our cocks slowly over her first part now, we leant forward in even closer as we saw her tongue tip at the very hole of its arse, she pushed a little at the hole and I think I came off shooting over her face and hair, Rory wasn’t far behind me to do the same. Your wife paused things there and she didn’t say a thing, but I knew she wasn’t saying that was it. Her mouth went back onto its dong and she sucked in earnest and I soon saw it was pumping spunk into her mouth and she was swallowing. Once she disentangled herself and we had a drink to recover. Lisa looked at us both with a huge smile on her face and said that she was going again, “I’ll rim his arsehole again whilst you take turns fucking me” With that she then proceeded to suck us both off very well so that we wouldn’t cum too soon next time as she put it, which I though was a nice touch; we also took the time to each pee into her throat. So maybe 15 minutes later after a repeat of those preliminary oral work on Bishop, I got in behind (doggie style) her as she knelt and got her head into position, my God she was wet, in case I couldn’t hold off my next climax (and the same for Rory) I got my electric dildo out ready to put on her clit. I was fucking her slowly, watching her mouth, this time she ran her tongue all around the dog’s arsehole, this time she was slower and more deliberate in her action. I watched as she puckered up her tongue tip and pushed it against the hole, about an inch went in, I couldn’t help it but I just shot off again. Lisa lifted her head up and just said “Time to change over guys”, she’d felt my splurge; Rory reluctantly took over from me; I scrambled to his viewing position, my face right beside hers. I had just cum off seconds before, but now I still retained my erection as I watched her push deep inside the dog’s arse. She didn’t seem nauseated by her act, maybe in a trance. As she carried on my cock was leaking like it was precum, after watching and fucking her for maybe 4-5 minutes Rory shouted he had cum off in her and pulled out, so I stuck the electric dildo into her sopping wet pussy, she paused and winked at me said thanks and carried on. This second rimming of Bishop’s arse must have lasted 15 minutes, toward the end both Rory and I spunked over her face again, considering our ages and fitness I was amazed at my own performance. It crossed my mind as I watched your wife that second time, there was no onus on her to do it, she had originally that first instance gone further than I expected. She finished when we had finished splattering her face, Lisa looked at me a beseeched me to pussy whip her. I pulled the dildo out of her and had her lay back on the futon, legs splayed wide apart and so over the next 10 minutes Rory and I each using cat ‘O’Nine tail whips abused her cunt and breasts, she dictated how hard and fast we hit at her, the first climax hit her within maybe 3 strikes on her spread pussy I caught her right on the exposed clit, she cried out not in pain but ecstasy. We continued, a second and third climax rocked her body, all within the three minutes. Rory was goading her, saying ‘next time slut, I want to see the dog shit on your tongue’ She was saying yes, yes, He said ‘I’ll have you drinking my dog’s pee, too’ She cried out ‘Yes; Yes, okay, harder’ I wasn’t sure whether she was answering him or telling me to go harder or both. This is about the sixth time I’ve had your wife in an state of total ecstasy by having her body whipped and asking for ‘harder’ the last had been with George. In fact what we were doing to her wasn’t a million miles from how George and I finished her off that day, with a very similar result. Her breasts were bouncing on her chest and her cunt lips were quivering. She was in a zone I’ve seen a few times where we could have done anything we liked to her and she was loving it. I nudged Rory and we changed over our whips for the harder riding crops, barely pausing in our flagellation of her tits and cunt. We were now moving up a whole level in stuff on her, Stuff I’d never done to any woman, but she was truly up for it, in a way I’d never seen of her or anyone. Rory was now pushing his luck with his kinky demands ‘Maybe I should just let him dump his shit into your mouth then’ Her next cry, nearer a scream was just after he said that, I couldn’t tell what she really said. Rory told me later, she cried out “Oh God Yessssss”. But I had just connected three hard strikes direct on her clit and her body arched and shook as she had the longest and biggest climax of the night, maybe ever, I’d never seen her come so hard and long. I was sweating buckets as was Rory. Lisa’s tits were red and purple with welts and marks all over and her pussy region was near the same, her labia had swollen to twice its normal size and her clit was just huge, there was juices just leaking out of her cunt almost like pee, but this was thicker, creamier. Only then did she hold a hand out in the classic stop sign. Part of me was glad, had we continued I think we would have done some damage. Maybe because he was nearer, but she drew Rory into a kiss and I mean a kiss it went on and on she was feverish. When they broke apart as I was standing by then she got to her feet rather drunkenly and kissed me, she was hungry. When she broke, she held onto me to steady herself, “Guys, that was fantastic” Deep breaths “I have to go home” She hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol all night but for the stance she made as she grabbed some clothing and staggered out the door she looked totally hammered. Rory and I watched her go and we grabbed a cold beer each and collapsed.in chairs. “Wow” was about all I could manage, I was shattered, sweating profusely as was Rory, neither of us could have arisen to another hard-on if our lives depended on it. I was staring at the wall barely registering it was almost 1:30am and we were both on early shift. ‘She’d a good and lovely little subbie’ said Rory ‘She sure is, do you think she’ll go along with that stuff you suggested to her’, feeling my cock twitch. ‘You know, I think she will, not in the cold light of day, but when we push her knobs and get her higher, there’s no reason we can’t get her there’ He had a leering smirk on his face. ‘The trick is not to push too often, she’s no use to anybody for 3 or 4 days at least, but she’ll be thinking about it and getting herself wet’