This is my first story, so it can be a little bit boring. The good things happen at the end of the first chapter. There will be a lot of beating and abusing on a teenage boy. I don't guarantee that it's the best but if you like it, then that would be really cool. Please write to [email protected] or [email protected] either one is fine. I hope you enjoy it. Chapter 1 From Brendon's point of view Oh my god... this is a bit embarrassing. Hmmm... I don't know how to start. Ok, let me begin by introducing myself. My name is Brendon, Brendon Bowne. I'm a loner pretty much. I don't really have that much friends, no, actually I don't have any. I don't communicate well with others. I don't talk to random people. I don't look at random people either. Well, I do sometimes but only the ones that I think I have a chance with which is rare. I go to Town High in Massachusetts in the little town of Revere. The school is simple. I mean it looks simple. Three rectangular prisms put together. With 3 floors, a large football, baseball, and soccer field, a large cafeteria, a library, and over 2000 students, I think it's pretty awesome. Ok enough of that, I'm standing at 5' 8", black straight, kinda messy hair that I let down sweep my forehead when it's long and I wear it spiky when it's short. I have deep green eyes, long nose, and smooth lips. I have tan skin form birth and it's always a cool thing, but no one seems to notice, so it's cool to me. It's weird though. Both my parents are white but I'm tan. At least that's what they told me. I don't play sports or work out. I'm slim and shape like an hour glass. Well, not exactly like an hour glass, but you know what I want to mean. I don't like wearing tight clothes. I feel like I'm trap or something and I can't breathe in them. I don't wear those gangster baggy shirts or pants either. I wear size medium, but I buy my clothes in large size. I like to sleep, eat, text, and I change phone every few months or so. I'm not rich or anything, I just don't like the fact that people tend to buy the same phone as me. Other than going to school and do homework, I pretty much sit on my bed and watch TV. Relief that I don't' have to go to school because it's summer right now. I could avoid going to school now, but school works always haunt me in the summer. I had Advance Placement classes, so homework over the summer isn't a weird thing for me, but still I want my vacation. Sigh... it's like living hell for me. I worked so hard in school. Always. Every single day. Well I didn't work hard, hard in school. My memory is good, so study for me is kinda easy, but I still have to try my best. In case you haven't figured it out, I'm a nerd, geek, whatever those mean people call us smart people. Strangely for a nerd, I looked nothing like one. That's what I think. I don't like cheap clothes. I only buy brand name clothes and shoes and expensive cologne. I like to feel fresh and clean and smell good. I don't think people can tell that I'm a nerd unless they talk to me or in one of my class. I do wear glasses, but most of the time I wear contacts. Not a lot of people who isn't in my class know because like I said before talking has always been a problem for me. I'm a sophomore in the high school. I'm not popular, obviously. Ok I think that's enough for now about me. Summer is just sucks. I have nothing to do in the summer at all. I have to go to work, do my homework, and read the summer reading which is incredibly boring. The book just sucks or is it just me? I don't get along with books, but some book can really catch me. So finally the summers over, thank god, but uh oh. I'm happy I got away from the boring summer, now I have to face all the embarrassments and bullying in school. The first day of school, I went straight to my locker and sure enough the football team came over with like 8 or 9 people. One of the guy's name is Paul, Paul Hues. He's stands 6' 2" of pure muscle. He has light blue eyes, shorts spiky blond hair, and the voice of an angel. It's not like I like him. He's my worst nightmare. The others I don't really pay attention to cuz they are not that attractive. Well they all are, but Paul seems to stand out. Like I said, I don't like him, more I don't like them all. He has been beating me up for years since middle school. They're just jerks. So I was putting my stuff in my last year locker, Paul came over and says "Heeey nerd, Happy first day" "............" I didn't say anything. "You hear me nerd? Or do I have to beat the shit out of you for you to answer me?" he yelled in rage "Sorry..." I speak in low voice almost whisper "That's what I thought, now you're ready for the regular?" he asked with a smirk on his face "What do you mean?" I ask facing my locker still rampage my backpack to get stuffs out of it "You forgot? Gasp!! I guess I just have to show you" With that said and done, he pushed me with one hand, and my body just hit the inside of my locker and my head bang against the inside hook. It hurts so badly, but I don't want them to see me cry. "Ooow" I groan inside the locker "What did you say nerd? I didn't catch that." He yanked me out of my locker and pull up my shirt collar, so now I'm directly in front of his face. You know what so weird. In his eyes, I saw sadness and sorry. I don't know what it is, my eyes swelled with tears after I saw his eyes. They were so sad, so delicate. Then he said "Go ahead geek, cry, cry for your mommy." All my fear came back to me. I shivered in fear, I was shivering literally. If I weren't in school right now, I would yell for help for my mommy. Sadly I don't have one. He was really, really scary. "Paul, please let me go. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I won't do it again. Please let me go. It hurts." I begged for mercy "Ok fine nerd. Next time watch who you're facing or talk to. If you ever ignore me again, I'll beat you up so hard, that you can't walk home." "Ok sir. I'm sorry." "Sir huh? I like that, call us that when you talk to us" Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Then he threw me against somebody's locker door. My head and my back hurt. My new A&F shirt is all ruined. I hate school. I hate school soooo much. The day went on with no more beating. I feel at ease. My pain subsided and everything was better again. At least that's what I thought. At the end of the day, I was using my locker and I see the football team coming toward me again. I try to be quick and lock my locker. I ran a little, but a huge hand caught me by the shoulder. Oh no, as I thought to myself. I turned around. I expect him to be Paul, but it wasn't. It was Chris, Chris Haner. He's also one of the football players. He looks similar to Paul, but hazel eyes, and longer hair. He doesn't gel it. He keeps it down. "You're trying to get away huh?" he asked with the devilish smile. I was scare to death. "N n no sir, I wasn't. I need to go home. My brothers and sister are waiting for me." I trembled in fear. I live in a foster home with 2 brothers and a sister. We're not blood related or anything, we're just happen to live together for almost the rest of our lives, and I guess we created bonds for each other. "Oh, is that it?" he tilted his head a little "Well too bad, they're gonna have to wait then. Here is the deal. We beat you up before and after school every day. Just think of it as an appointment. You miss one appointment; we pay you a visit three times the next day, k?" "Please, it hurts. Don't do it please? I can't take it. I'm gonna die if I get beat up every day." I beg for mercy yet again. I was really scared though. "Well, isn't that just too bad? You're gonna get used to it anyways. So it's gonna hurt for a couple of times, but the pain's gonna go away after that, I promise." He was making the puppy dog face. He acted like he's feeling bad for me. People starts to look so the other players yelled at them to get out or they'll get beat up too. Eventually the hallway is cleared within seconds. Chris started off by punched me really hard in the guts. I fell down to the floor, hands on my stomach, crying. Then the others started to kick me everywhere. Finally, the beating is over, and I finally have the strength to stand up. Nobody dares to touch them cuz their parents donated so much to the school that even the school principle doesn't have the power to scare them. I found the strength to pull out my cell phone to call my sister. After three rings "Hello?" Angela said "Hey, umm... Angie, you and the boys go home first ok? I have to stay after school. I have to make up some work I missed." I said nervously "It's the first day of school. You already miss some work. Are you ok, Bren?" "Yeah I am. Trust me, I'm ok. I'm gonna be late for dinner I think. Don't wait for me ok?" "Tell me why though" "Angie, I'm fifteen; I can take care of myself." I said almost yelled at her. "Ok, take care." She said and hangs up the phone. After that I sat there in front of my locker and everything went black. I woke up again feeling like my head's gonna burst, but I managed to look at my watch. It reads 4:30. I've been sitting there for almost two hours. So I got up and walked outside. The heat hit me in the face and I almost fell backward. I'm really dizzy. The sky started to darken even though it's still fall. I'm walking home. My house is pretty far, not that far. I mean 3 or 4 miles walking isn't bad, but right now I can't even walk 2 feet. I took a deep breath and started limping to my house. I walked for about 2 miles but feel like 20 miles and I felt like someone or something was following me. I try to ignore it, but I can't help but to turn around and I saw a brand new Porsche 09 driving like a turtle with people who I don't recognize in it. All the seats are filled. Then I recognized the driver. It was Chris. I start to walk faster, which I doubt I could do. Now I'm limping faster, which I'm really happy about. The car started to drive faster and then it's park at the corner of a street I don't know because I don't pay attention to what street it is even though I walk by it every day. Everyone in the car started to get out and I was scare again, so I turned around and started walking the other way. They started to run after me and eventually my luck ran out and I was cornered at a dumpster behind some restaurant. I already know what they'll do to me, so I just stand in the corner then slid my butt to the ground. They all surrounded me and Chris said "Oh so you know why we're here? Smart boy. That's why we call you geek because you pick up on things fast." "Just get it over with, do what you want and leave me alone" I said staring at them with fears in my eyes "Nope we're gonna torture you a bit before we begin. Oh remember what I said, you're gonna have two appointment every day, but since today is the first day, you're gonna get another one for free." "......" "Oh look, the silent treatment. Like the one you gave Paul, but I'm not gonna be soft like him, so don't get your hopes up" "I'm sorry sir." "I thought so, so do you want a kick or a punch in the guts first?" "I'll take the kick first. My stomach hurts really badly, so please don't touch it" "Oh good, boys grab him" "wha wha what are you saying? I said I'll take the kick." "Aww, that's why we'll give you the punch instead," With that, the boys come and pick me by my arm and pull me up from my butt. Chris starts to punch me around my stomach. Luckily he stopped at the 7th one. I fall down when they let me go. They just laugh and left me where I was and walked away like nothing had happened. I laid there cuddle up, hands on my stomach, cuddle up, and cry my eyes out of its sockets. I got another black out after that. I woke up again and it was raining. I looked at my watch and it's 11:00 pm. I started to get up and limp home again. I got home around 1 or so and all the blood that I cough out of my mouth had been washed away by rain. By the time I reached home I'm also dry since it stopped raining about 40 minutes ago. I make as less noise as I could and crawl to my room and onto my bed. The bruises still hurt like hell, but I managed to not groan in pain. I fell asleep hoping tomorrow will be better. I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock ring right next to my ear. The sound of it got stuck in my head for awhile. I crawled out of bed with the bruises, but they're not hurt as much as yesterday when they were fresh from the fists. I walked to the bathroom in my room which is not that big. All I have is a queen size bed, a desk, a TV stand with a printer next to it, and a double door closet, and the half bath. It's simple and clean, always clean and neat. I know what you're thinking. I'm also a clean freak, but I don't care. When I reached the bathroom and realize I still have my yesterday clothes on. So I stripped down naked and walked into the stand up shower and closed the foggy glass door behind me. I let the warm water slide down my body. It feels great. I do that when I have something on my mind. I cleaned myself with my hands full of soap. I'm all set and done with my shower things and I walked out to my closet. I decided to be a full Ecko Unltd today. So I chose my baby blue Ecko Marc, grey undershirt, red stripe Ecko boxers, and Ecko jean shorts. I put on my socks and my limited edition Ecko sneakers, duh. Since I already cut my hair before school starts, I spiked it up. Then it came to me, what am I doing? I got pump up and get dress really cool and stuff and no one's gonna care about me anyways. I wanted to take it off, but I didn't feel like getting them off, so I just go to school in them. I got to school around 7:50 since I got out of the house at around 7 or so. At my school, we get first period off for study hall and stuff. So I took my time to walk and at my locker and of course ready for my morning appointment. They came with Paul leading them. I closed my locker's door and lock it. Then I just stood there facing my locker. Paul then pushed my body up against my locker; I could feel his breath near my neck and his package press against my butt crack. Then he whispered into my ear "Ready for your appointment nerd?" "Yeah, sure, just get it over with." I said almost whisper "Ok then" he said as he moved away from me. With that, the ritual began. I laid in front of my locker like I did yesterday for feel like 10 minutes crying because of the pain. I got up and my day is just normal. Nothing happened in school except for more homework. For the next two months, I got beat up every day, twice a day. Sometimes 3 or 4 times because they saw me in the hallways and walking home alone. I haven't walk home or talk with my brothers and sister a lot because of the appointment after school. I usually get home around 5 or 6 depend on how hard Chris or Paul or the others hit me in the stomach or kick my legs. Three months had passed since the first day of school and we're in the middle of winter here in Massachusetts. Things started to get better over time because the football team got tired of beating me up and less embarrassment happened to me. I never get used to the pain though. Even though things had changed for good for me, the feeling I have toward the football team never changed. The only emotions that ran through my head every time I see in one of them are pain and sadness. At the end of March, all the beating and embarrassment disappeared completely. They don't talk to me or look at me anymore. Then one day something really weird happened. Paul came over to me by my locker at the end of the day when everybody is gone. I could see his buddies at the end of the hall but I keep ignoring them. He came and stood with his hands in his jean pockets. He looked really nervous and he was wearing his football jacket number 22. He looked so cute, but of course I hate him. Even if I didn't hate him, I have no chance with him. I turned around and face him with a straight face. He was very, very cute when he blushes. Then I decided to talk because it's really awkward. "What do you want with me?" "Umm... I, I wanted to ask you something." Then he paused "I know you haven't been at the appointment for a while and, and if, uh if you wanna start again I'm ready." He looked up at me with a confuse expression on his face. "Oh, err no. That's not what I'm here for. I actually am in your math class since freshman year. You're really good at it. I've been trying to pass it, but I couldn't. You've never tried but it seems so easy for you, and I err, I err, I, I, want err" "You want me to tutor you." "Umm yeah, that's what I want, but I totally understand if you don't want to cuz of how I treated you." "I'm not a devil you know?" "What?" he looks so cute and lost. "I'm not a devil. I don't get back at people. Sure I'm alone all the time, and I don't show it, that doesn't mean I don't help people when they're in need." "Oh ok, that's... really nice of you." "Look, I don't mind tutor you, but I don't wanna get beat up for talking to you, my stomach and legs still hurts from the beating for the past months, so if you're be kind for once and tell your buddy that I don't mean to talk to you directly." I said while looking down on the floor full of fear. "I'm sorry about that. I swear that would never happen again. I told them and they recommend you for the job and they actually said that if you won't do it, they'll beat you up again." "But I'll do it though, so please don't do it. Chris said it won't hurt after a while but it still hurt like hell every time." I beg my way through "Wow! Do I really scare you that much?" "Umm... you always look so mad at me for no reason. I don't know what I've done to you, but every time you look at me, all I can see is rage and hatred." "Oh I didn't realize. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to. Well I meant to kinda. You know what can you ever forgive me? I'll do anything for you to forgive me. I've never imagined myself doing this but umm please, please forgive me?" "I've never been mad at you, you know. If you won't get mad at me, can I tell you something?" "Yeah, sure" "Ok, I said I've never been mad at you because whenever you look at me before you hit me, your eyes fill with sadness and you look so sorry. I'm mad at you because you've never... never mind. I'm mad at you after you beat me up and after that the anger just goes away. You look like you don't mean to hit me, it's like you just do it so your friends will be still your friends." "Yeah that's kind of true. I don't mean to hit you at all. My friends are really, really strict, so I gotta do what they expect me to do." Then he chuckle nervously "Ok, I'll do it, but you have to make sure I'm safe for the time being." "Ok, I'll make sure." He said excitedly "When you wanna meet up? I'm available every day after school until whatever time you wanna study till." "You don't have anything to do after school. Wow you have a lot of free time." "Yeah I do" tears start to roll down my cheeks "Why are you crying? Was it something I said?" "No, no, no it's not, I'm just really happy." "Oh well, you can't cry every time I meet you. Hahaha, I can meet you every day at 5 after practice in the library, the public one. They open until 9 every day until Saturday." "Ok, when you wanna start?" "How about today? I'll wait for you at the library." "Ok, I'm good with today. I'll see you." "Bye now" I said with a smile that cross from one ear to another. I am really, really happy. I thought to myself, wow I might have a chance with him, then after a couple of minutes it hits me. He's as straight as a nail, a freakin steel nail. My smile shrinks. Eh, but who cares, I get to be with him after school for hours after school every day. Then I turn back and see him high fiving his buddies and laugh. Every one of them was saying good job, nice going, Hahaha you got him, and they were saying out loud. I didn't know what the "you got him" mean but I'm happy with it. Now, I'm gonna walk up the stair to a really good evening.