My husband set me up for a rape

My husband set me up for a rape

Hi. I am a married woman who recently worked up the nerve to share my rape fantasy with my husband. I told him that even though sex with him is great, I needed something a little more exciting...and dangerous. He suggested that he could "rape" me to fulfill the fantasy, but I told him it just wouldn't feel like a "real" rape if he was the rapist. I told him that I would never cheat on him, and that if the idea of me with another man really bothered him, I wouldn't do it, but that the only way to make my fantasy seem "real" was to for my "rapist" to be someone else. Since he loves me and wants to make me happy, he told me that he would see what he could do.

This past weekend, he went out of town with a couple friends of his on a guys' getaway, leaving me at home alone. He left on a Friday afternoon and told me he would be back Sunday night. I went about my day on Saturday pretty much like usual, shopping and running errands, and returned home around 10PM after having dinner with a girlfriend of mine. I was in bed by 11. I had been asleep for an hour or so, when I was jarred awake by a man yanking my head up by my hair and clamping his hand over my mouth. He rolled me onto my back, and when he switched on the light on my nightstand, I could see that he was wearing a ski mask, and that he had a knife. I tried to figure out who he was, to see if I knew him, but I wasn't able to recognize him.

I struggled briefly, but he pressed the knife against my throat and told me me in a threatening voice that he would hurt me if I struggled or fought or screamed. He asked me if I understood, and I nodded yes. He then told me that I was going to do everything he told me to do. He again pressed the knife to my throat and asked me if I was ready to fuck. I was trembling and shaking as I answered yes. He asked me how long it had been since I had sucked my husband's cock, and if I swallowed when I did. In a trembling voice, I said that I had sucked him just a few nights earlier, and that, yes, I had swallowed. He told me that I would be used to what I was about to do then, because I was about to suck his. First though, he reached under my nightgown, and ripped it away, then he yanked down my panties. Then he straddled me, pulled my head up, jammed his cock into my mouth, and ordered me to suck him off. I started sucking him, and he ordered me to suck it harder. I sucked him as hard as I could, and after several minutes, he blew a huge load into my mouth, then forced me to swallow it. He then told me that it was time to fuck. He told me that by the time he was finished with me, I would forget all about sex with my husband.

He was about to mount me for a missionary fuck, when I saw him smile through his ski mask. He ordered me to turn over onto my stomach. I was thinking he was going to do me doggy style, but he shocked me (and even really scared me a little) when he asked me if I had ever been done up the ass. The truth is, my husband and I had only tried anal sex once, but we had stopped because it had hurt too much. I tearfully told him that I was an anal virgin. He told me that that was about to change. He proceeded to ram his cock into my ass, and I cried out in real pain at first, but the pain soon subsided and soon I actually began to enjoy it. When he finished, he used a belt he found in my room to tie me to the bed while he went to use the bathroom. When he came back, he said it was time for the "main event". He forced my legs apart and proceeded to have vaginal intercourse with me. He fucked me hard and while he was inside me, he called me a slut and a bitch, and basically humiliated me. As he continued to pound me, in no time I was soaking wet, and I had a mind-blowing orgasm, then a couple of minutes later, I orgasmed a second time and then a third time, each as great as the last and the most incredible orgasms I had ever had. After a few more minutes had passed, I felt him climax and ejaculate deep inside my pussy.

After he was finished, he got off of me, and told me if I knew what was good for me, I would keep this what had just happened to myself. He said if I reported the rape to the police, I would be sorry. He reminded me that he knew where I lived, and to make his point, he pressed the knife to my throat one more time. I told him I wouldn't report the rape. Late that evening, my hubby came home and asked me how my weekend was. I told him it was pretty good, and gave him a wink. I told him when we were getting ready for bed that I wanted to thank him for fulfilling my fantasy. He told me that he could tell me who my "rapist" was, and how it had all been set up, but I told him that I didn't want to know...I said not knowing would make the whole memory of what happened seem all that much more real. Needless to say, I rewarded him all night long for making my fantasy come true

I don't know if I will have another experience as good as the one I experienced last weekend again, but I can say that my fantasy was all I could have ever wanted and then some.

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