In Love With The Dog

In Love With The Dog

Sara Henderson opened the door to her newly purchased house, smiling to herself as she usually did. As she closed the door, her labrador scurried through the door to her right and jumped up at her. As she saw him, her smile increased and she got on her knees, kissing him on the muzzle quickly, avoiding his tongue, "Hey Boy, Missed me?" She giggled as his fur stroked against her face and she got up, walking towards the kitchen. She stopped by a mirror to check herself out.

She allowed her liquid, hazel coloured eyes to check her body up and down. She wasn't stuck up but she thought her figure was fantastic, and the looks most guys gave her made her believe other people did as well. Her DD breasts were nearly popping out of her tight top and she glanced down her long, smooth legs to see Max, her dog, looking at the mirror with his tongue lolling out. She laughed and posed for him, "Like the look, boy?" She continued to laugh as she walked to the sofa and sat down.

Max leapt up on the sofa as she sat down and licked her cheek. She giggled and kissed his muzzle. Usually, Max didn't respond to it but today, he was a bit more frisky than usual. As she kissed his muzzle, her lips parted a little and Max slipped his tongue into her mouth. She moved her head back and frowned slightly. Staring at Max, "Bit horny today, are we?" She smiled and leaned in, "Well, there isn't anybody here to see us."

She parted her lips and allowed him to put his tongue in. She sucked his tongue hard further in, swallowing his saliva in the process. She felt a sudden movement by Max as she french kissed him and opened her eyes, noticing his humping towards her legs.

Now, Sara had always loved cock but she'd never tried it with a dog, especially someone as close to her as Max, but at that moment she was transfixed by how large it was. As she continued to french kiss her dog, she reached down and took hold of his humping cock, noting how hard and big it was. She tore her lips from his tongue and moaned slightly, "Oh! Max, you're so hard..." She bit her lip and slid down towards his cock, staring at it, mere millimetres away.

His cock throbbed in her hand as she began wanking him off. Moaning, through her bitten lower lip, she worked his cock even faster, tearing off her top and shorts in a desperate attempt to cool down. Max was dripping with pre cum at this point, and she smeared it over the rest of his cock. This allowed her to move her hand faster and easier. "Oh!" she moaned as she watched Max hump faster. She noticed herself licking her lips in temptation as she stared at his cock. She moaned louder, leaning in and pressing her lips against his cock. His taste hit her like a brick wall as she began to lick the tip, desperatley. "Oh!" She gasped as she realised he tasted great! She quickly shoved her lips over the top of his cock, trapping it between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

She began to suck, hard, Max humping faster and faster in her mouth. She glanced towards his base, noticing the knot forming. She had only heard of it once or twice but she knew it would break her jaw if it got trapped in her mouth. She trapped her hand just in front of the knot as she sucked on his cock. She continued to move her mouth up and down on Max's giant cock until she felt his humping become more frantic, desperate. Sara felt the surge of cum seconds before it hit her and she pulled back just in time. Her mouth tore free as the first wave of cum hit her face.

She smiled to herself as Max sprayed his cum on her face, tits and neck. Most of the sperm hit her lips and she snuck her tongue out to taste it, realising she liked the taste. She pressed her lips to his tip again to swallow more cum before his balls ran out of it. She knelt there for a while before realising he was out of cum.

She leaned back, looking up at Max, covered in cum. She licked her lips free of cum before realising how wet she was. She glanced down and saw a small pool of liquid between her legs. She glanced back at Mac and grinned. "Ready to go again?" She murmured. He replied by shoving his tongue in her mouth and kissing her. She moaned against his tongue as he leant onto her back and she leaned forward with him. He began to get hard as she continued to kiss him. As she french kissed her dog, she pushed her waist down to begin riding Max. His cock filled her automatically and she moaned loudly, orgasming straight away. Her hands pressed against the floor as she tongued max and rid him to the extreme.

Together they pressed their bodies together tightly, Sara riding Max and Max shoving his tongue deep down her throat. Eventually, Sara orgasmed again, making Max's balls begin to surge. She tore her lips from his and arched her back, screaming with ecstacy as Max's sperm flooded her pussy and slid between his cock and her pussy lips. She continued to ride him even after his cock was soft and then collapsed on his body, tonguing him when he asked. She grinned and slid her tongue over his. After this fantastic day, she knew she had made a boyfriend in an animal....for life.

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