Me and My Brother_(0)

Me and My Brother_(0)

We knew what we were doing was wrong. But as we stood out there on the balcony, the moonlight making our light brown bodies glisten, we were all that mattered. He held me up against the wall, the head of his huge dick at the opening of my tight wet slit. He kissed me deeply once more to muffle my screams as he pushed in me, breaking through my hymen and planting himself deep inside of me. I yelled into his mouth as his dick stretched me beyond belief. He breathed heavily back into mine, getting accustomed to the tightness of my body.

"Shh," he told me, taking his mouth from mine. I whimpered softly, then took a deep breath to prepare myself for the next stroke. I couldn't believe it was happening. I was actually losing my virginity. At the ripe age of 16. He began to slowly stroke in and out of my tightness. I moaned and held onto him, my body slowly getting used to his width.

"Oh, fuck," he whispered in my ear. "You have the best pussy I have ever had. So tight. So wet."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I had hoped he would like it. I felt a small hint of pleasure deep inside of me. With every stroke into my depths, I felt it more. Soon, I was moaning his name.

"Oh, shit," I moaned. "Oh, Tre. Fuck me. Do me, Tre. I love it."

"Shh," he told me again. I knew I had to keep it down. At any minute, one of my parents or younger siblings could come into my room and bust us. But I couldn't help it. It felt so good to have his huge dick stretching me and fucking me for the first time. I felt my body heating up as he stroked harder, faster, deeper.

"Oh, shit," I said. "So Big. So Deep."

He grabbed a hold of my thick round ass and planted himself inside of me. I yelled out as wave after wave of intense orgasm washed over me. His thick hot cum shot deep into of me, coating my insides. I had never felt anything like that in my life. I mean, it wasn't the first time I had cum. But with his dick so deep in me spreading me so wide, I had gone to new heights.

Tre melted beneath me as he finished shooting his last few drops of cum deep inside of me. He sat down on the balcony floor, his softening dick still planted inside of me. He looked me in my eyes as I came down from my orgasm. Then he kissed me one last time. I turned away in shame at what we had just done. I slowly lifted myself off of him, squinching at the tenderness of my pussy. I got up and glanced at him one last time before running back through my room and to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror to see if I looked any different. I still looked the same, except for this new glow. I had done it. I was a woman. I smiled shyly at the girl in the mirror, then I turned on the shower.

The next morning, I went down the stairs to the smell of bacon and bread. I went into the kitchen where my parents and two younger siblings were sitting, about to eat.

"Morning Vy," my mom called. "Is your brother awake yet?"

I turned my head to hide my blushing face.

"I'm not sure," I told her. At that moment, my brother, Tre, walked in. I couldn't even look him in the face. I was afraid of what might happen, of what I might do. Last night had been the most amazing night of my life. But we had agreed that it would only happen that one time, then wewould forget it. But he had given me the most amazing feelings of my life. How was I supposed to just let it go? But I was determined to. I had heard about those hill billy people that had sex with their brothers and I did not want to be one of them. Besides, we were nothing like those people. We had just agreed that to protect me and my reputation, and so it would be done right, that Tre needed to take my virginity. It wasn't like I was trying to have a relationship with my brother or anything. But the way he had made me feel was unexpected. I had had to fight with all my might the urges to go into his room last night and start Round 2. But I had made it, and as far as I knew, Tre was sticking to our agreement and had put it behind him. So I decided to do the same.

Over the next few days, though, it got really weird. Tre and I would bump into each other, and I would notice a bulge in his jeans. Or I would be doing something, like washing the dishes or just sitting watching TV, and I would notice him staring at me. One day, about two weeks after it happened, Tre and I were at home alone and I was washing dishes. I turned around and caught Tre staring at my ass. He quickly snapped his head in the opposite direction, but he was already caught.

"Okay," I said. "That's it. What is going on with you here lately? I mean, I've been noticing you staring at me and watching me when I'm doing things. What's your problem?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said.

"Oh, so you weren't just staring at my ass either, huh?"

"Don't you think about it," he asked. I immediately blushed.

"Yeah," I said. "But I try not to. What happened with us is over and done with. We both agreed to let it go."

"How am I supposed to let it go," he asked. "You have the tightest, wettest, most amazing pussy I have ever had. And, believe me, I've had my share."

I tried to hide my smile. I couldn't believe that it had been that good to him. Than I thought about what he was saying.

"Tre, we can't," I said. "You're my brother. We only did it that once to break my virginity. Remember. To get me ready for what's coming."'

"I know," he said. "But now I can't stop thinking about it. I have to have you again."

"No," I said. "We can't do this. It's disgusting."

"I will have you again," he told me, standing up. Something in his eyes told me that he was telling the truth and immediately wished that I wasn't wearing a skirt. I thought about the situation. We were home alone, and we had no neighbors within a two mile radius, so no one woudl even hear me scream.

Come on, I told myself. Your own brother isn't going to try to rape you. But the look in his eyes told me different. He moved toward me cautiously. I backed away.

"I'm going to get it," he assured me.

"No, you're not," I said. And I took off for the stairs. I thought that I would make it but he caught me mid stairway. I struggled to get away from him but he was stronger than me. I still pulled and tried to go the rest of the way up the stairs. If I could make it to my room, I would be alright. But instead, I tripped and fell face first down on the stairs. Tre came down on top of me, pinning my small body under him. He grabbed both of my arms together and held them above my head.

"Tre, stop," I yelled. "What are you doing?"

"Shut up," he told me harshly. "You've been running around here teasing me for the longest. You've just been begging me to take it."

"What are you talking about, Tre," I asked, tears beginning to stream down my face.

"Walking around here showing off those long legs, that juicy ass," he said, feeling me up.
"Those sexy thighs, those juicy round tits. You've been asking for it."

"Tre, don't," I cried. I felt his hand move under my skirt to my panties. I tried to close my legs but he had his legs between them. Tre gently caressed my ass then slid his hand lower to my crotch.

"You don't know how long I've been dreaming of fucking this tight little pussy again."

I cried and struggled to get away from him as he pushed my panties aside and parted my cunt lips.

"Look, sweetie," he told me. "You're already wet and waiting. You want your big brother to fill you up, don't you."

I cried and sturggled.

"No, Tre," I said. "Please don't."

But before I knew it, he had ripped my panties off.

"This doesn't have to be like this," he said. "You could just give it to me."

"No," I cried. "This is wrong."

"Okay," he said. "Your choice."

I felt him struggling to get his own pants open with one hand. A moment later, he let go of my arms completey. I got up on my knees to try to get up, but before I could, Tre grabbed me by the hips and entered me abruptly from behind. I screamed out from the pain. He didn't even pause. He began to fuck me frantically. I yelled out as his big manhood tore into me again and again. He pumped at my tight little body ferociously. I screamed and begged him to stop, but he was too far gone. He moaned out about how good I felt, how much he loved being inside of me, how he wished he could live in my pussy. I finally stopped struggling and was still. His dick felt a lot wider and deeper. All I could do was moan out as tears streamed down my face. I felt my body begin to heat up and before I knew it, I was shuddering in orgasm. I cried helplessly as Tre fucked me through one orgasm right into another.

"There you go," he told me. "Love your brother's sweet cock stretching your tight little pussy. You better get used to it. Because it's going to be happening a lot more. And if you ever tell mom or dad, I'll tell them all about how you begged me to fuck you the first time. You started this. You just remember that."

I sobbed harder as the reality of his words hit me. It was all my fault. Tre had told me no for a long time, but I begged him to take my virginity. I had seen him having sex with our father's boss's daughter, and how much she loved it, and I had wanted him to do it to me, to make me feel like her. I really had brought it on myself. So as my brother continued to rape me, I cried because there really wasn't anything I could do. If he told our parents what I had done, I would be in big trouble.

"Tre, please," I sobbed.

"Please, what," he asked. "Please fuck you harder? Okay."

And he went at it, laughing at the fact that there was nothing I could do. Then he pulled out of me. I thought he was through, but he turned me over and entered me again.

"I want to look into your face as you cum all over your big brother's dick."

I cried helplessly as he forced me to look him in his eyes as he fucked me to another orgasm. The shame of what was happening wracked my body and my dripping cunt tightened around Tre's dick, causing him to explode. He moaned out loudly as he shot his load deep into me. When he was finished, he didn't even pull out of me, just lay with his soft dick still deep inside of me, stroking the sides of my face.

"Don't worry, Baby," he told me. "You'll learn to love it. Or at least you will make me think you do."

I lay there stuffed full of soft brother dick, thinking about the weeks ahead. School didn't start for another five weeks. That meant a lot of alone time for Tre and me. Enough time for him to fuck me until I loved it.

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