Rich boys love 24

Rich boys love 24

When i went into havreys house we sat and walked about things harvey was making it sound like we wasnt going to last much longer then he asked me "how much longer do you think we will last" i was so shocked and upset by the question he just asked me i walked out of his house and i drove home. on the way home harvey must have called my cell aleast 5 times but i kept my eyes on the road and let my phone go to voicemail. when i got home i went on my twitter and i was sweeting with kyle he said i should come over even if it just ask friends so i agreed because i wanted to stay kyles friend.

when i got to kyle house he asnwered the door and i walked in he asked if i was still into the rock band 3 days grace and i said i was so he put some of there music on and i started to relax and i started dancing kyle started dancing to and he grabbed hold of me and we started dancing together kyle was touching my front of my body 1 thing lead to another and me and kyle was kissing he took my hand and lead me to his bedroom i laid on his bed and we started kissing even more kyle started to unbutton my shirt and i let him he started undoing my pants and i said "kyle stop" kyle did as i asked and said "is everything okay?" i said "no me and harvey are going though a bad time" kyle said "go on" i said "harvey thinks i care that he dont have alot of money" kyle gave me and evil looking smile and said "your not a match for that poor boy anyway he isnt even in your class" i said "hey take it easy that my soon to be hustband your talking about" i got of kyles bed and rebuttoned my shirt when i got back to my car i felt so bad for what i had just done i had to tell harvey and it had to be to his face i called harvey on his cell and said "harvey i need to see you and i mean now are you still at home" "yes babe im still here" the word babe felt like a cut to my heart

when i got to harvey he opened the door and i started cry repeating the sentance "harvey im so sorry im really really sorry" harvey looked at me comfussed and said "baby have you hurt your self?" i said "no harvey but ive hurt you" harvey said "continue" "i umm i sorta kissed kyle and he unbuttoned my shirt and went to unbutton my pants before i told him to stop. im so sorry harvey im really sorry" i took my band off and went to hand it to harvey but he closed the door in my face. so i went home and cried about how stupid and descusted in my self i felt all of a sudden kyle called me and i answer saying "what the fuck do you want" "leon get your phyco boyfriend away from my house and the football team now!!!" i paniced and rushed to my car and drove to kyles

i got out my car and i ran to havrey and said "harvey stop what your doing this isnt you" "leon babe this has nothing to do with you so move to the side i dont want you to get hurt" "harvey you are hurting me by being here thoughing eggs and shit at kyles house" harvey said "baby please move out the way" i said "no the only reason your here is because of me harvey i dont want to lose you baby please stop what your doing" harvey grabbed me by the waist with one hand and i said "take a swing at me if it will make you feel better" after i finished that sentance i started to cry harvey grabbed me by the other hand and kissed me i broke are kiss and said "if you break up with me i will understand im so sorry harvey i really am" harvey kissed me againa and said "babe a kiss is not a big deal to me yes i wish you never did it but it was only kissing right?" "baby i swear on whatever you want me to it was only kissing i swear i swear" i started crying harder after that harvey took hold of me and hugged me so tight i couldnt really breath and said "dont ever hurt me again baby" harvey started crying to and i said (and still to his day mean) "i wont i swear baby i wont" i kissed harvey again and said "baby lets go home to mine and could you please stop this attack" harvey yelled to the other boy "guys lets go home" the boy listened to him and all got into there cars and left kyle came storming out his house and said "you fucking barstard this is your fault aswel" out of rage or something i punched kyle and said that is for attacking back in detention and i punched him again and said "dont you ever come near me again and yes i know this is half my fault but you should have never lead me to your room" kyle got up and and said "you wont resist me for long i can see it in your eyes you still want me and you no i will be waiting for you" harvey stepped forward and i grabbed harvey arms and said "baby dont" harvey stopped and said "he is stopped you getting kicked the fucking shit out of kyle" i said to kyle "you planned this to happen you fucking planned it" kyle smiled and said "you bet your ass i did" "you barstard" i said i walked way and harvey followed me we drove in are cars to a field and talked all night and thankfully we sorted things out i must have said sorry 50 time that night anyway we fell asleep in the field and woke up the next morning harvey said to me "i forgive you im sorry ive been pushing you away" i said "harvey this my fault i should be the sorry one and am"

(i love harvey and ive never hurt him like this since and im being serious)
to be continued

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