A not so boring weekend

A not so boring weekend

Just for Holly! :-p

It was just like all the other Fridays that had passed this year. School was done for 48 hours, and the repetition that had become her weekend would set in. Most people would view their weekend as a time to get out and have fun, Naomi on the other hand viewed them as tooo long and boring. She didn’t have a lot of friends in this new town and didn’t drive so she couldn’t escape to the beach. Weekends had nothing in store for this her. Naomi pondered what she might do to entertain herself this weekend as she unlocked her door and threw bag down and went to the fridge for a cold drink. It was a hot day and the walk home is all up hill, she was sweating and tired. After finishing her coke, she decided she might as well get out of her uniform and take a shower to cool off. Walking down the hall she took off her jacket and blouse, dropping them on the floor, undoing the snap at top was all she needed to let the mid-thigh length plain skirt fall off her body. Walking into the bathroom in just her bra and thong Naomi looked at herself in the mirror and admired her new tan lines as she removed her underwear. She had found that one thing to do during the weekends was to tan in the backyard and nap, the last weekend had darkened her skin and left light streaks running from her shoulders to her breasts and with a lighter area in-between her flat toned stomach and dark slender legs. With the water running she stepped into the shower and instantly felt cooler. The cold water running over her body felt amazing as she rinsed herself off with the corded moveable shower head. She felt her body and enjoyed the feel of her large D breasts that, a tight and athletic butt and the body of a girl who took pride in how she looked. It was moments like this that made Naomi wonder why she hadn’t seen any action in over 7 months. Pondering that she got out and dried herself off with a towel on the way to her room. Not expecting to do much the rest of the day she put on pair of comfortable old shorts and a tank top. She laid down on her bed and turned on the tube and hoped for a nap to help past the time. Her wish was granted but only for an hour. The familiar sound of Justin Timberlakes hit song woke her as she dashed for her purse and her cell phone. She got there to see that she had a new txt message from a someone she had studied with from school.
“ey, party tonight at my place, you should come!”-Steve
The thought of a party was perfect to Naomi, a chance to get out and let loose and drink and be marry. She replied back asking for a ride and told Steve she would be ready in an hour. She hopped back into the shower and got herself party clean. Once she was dry she tried to figure out what to wear, it had to look good, and try and get the attention of some of the boys. She ended up picking out a very short very tight skirt and a sleeveless t-shirt with a decent neckline. With outfits ready and make-up on, she was set. Steve got on at about 9pm and drove her to his house. Along the way she could help but notice how he kept glancing at her legs and trying to sneak a peak of the flaming red g-string she had on. Noticing this Naomi couldn’t help but move around in the seat so that the skirt rose as high as possible without slowing Steve too much, the attention of a guy was something Naomi always appreciated and thrived on. The party was much more than she had thought it would be. 2 kegs, a dance floor and a pool made it a fun place. The party girl in her had to grab a mix of vodka and sprite before hitting the dance floor. With some liquid in her she hit the floor and let loose, grinding up on a few guys and really getting into it. Several guys and even some girls stopped to stare at this hot girl in a small skirt dancing like a fool. Naomi felt a guy slide up behind her and start grinding on her working her good and she started to ride him as the music played on. She would thrust her ass into him and work on him. She started to feel something poking her and realized that who ever this guy was she was giving him a boner. She smiled at this liking that she can still do it for a guy. She started to get real hot knowing this unknown party go-er was ‘enjoying’ her dancing she spun around so they were facing each other and she started to grind on him and hump him working his bulging penis with her crotch and humping him. Pretty soon his arms were around her with a hand on her butt and her face pressed against his chest. A few more songs passed and she was ready for a break, she looked up at this guy and for the first time noticed what a hottie he was. Bright blue eyes, light brown hair and a great smile, she smiled at him as she broke away, daring him to follow her. To her surprise he followed her over to the cooler, he grabbed a bud and she picked up another mixed drink of something.
“your quite the dancer, thank you for the good time, I’m Jason by the way” he said as he stuck his hand out.
“Naomi” she said shaking his hand, “and I kinda felt you enjoying it” she said with a wink and a glance at the still protruding bulge in his crotch.
“what can I say Naomi you work wonders”
“well thank you, how about another?” she said taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor

As the next song started to play she straddled one of his legs and started to hump him driving the penis she felt into her crotch area and making him go wild she knew. They were embracing each other with him feeling up her ass and her with her hands behind his head. This went on for a good 30mins before they took another break. Over another drink they talked a little more.

“damn that first dance was no fluke, you’re a very hot dancer” Jason said between gulps
“why thank you, your not to bad yourself you know”
“thank you very much, though I do have one problem”
“what is that?” Naomi asked, hoping she hadent done something wrong
Jason leaned in close to her ear and said
“now I have this huge hard on and no way to get rid of it”

Naomi was surprised to hear this, and could instantly see what Jason was hinting at, Naomi was quite turned on herself by all the hot dancing, and whispered back to him
“you know, I just might know a way to help you with that”

As soon as she said that, Jason smiled and took her by the arm and led her to an upstairs room with a bed and locked the door, flipping out the light he laid her on the bed and climbed on top of her. Their lips met and mouths opened as tongues explored. Naomi could feel his tongue licking her lips and dancing with her own tongue. Soon she felt two big hands on top of her breasts, gently squeezing and groping them she began to pull his shirt off and felt the smooth muscles and body of this boy as he was sliding his hands under her shirt. She felt him nudge the wire of her bra up as he slid his hands on top of her breast. He gave a few good squeezes and played with her nipples a bit, she then put her hands above her head as he slid her shirt off. Un-doing the clasp next Naomi was suddenly topless and felt Jason’s mouth leave hers and start to suck on her neck. The feeling was one Naomi had forgotten and was loving now. She shivered a little as Jason sucked on and licked her neck making his way towards her tits. He circles the breast once or twice teasing her than latched on to her nipple and started playing with it. He would flick his tongue across it fast and then suck on the whole nipple and biting it ever so gently. These things were making Naomi very horny and as we sucked on her boob she would sometimes let out a slight moan or gasp. Naomi would also dig her nails into his back occasionally as Jason flicked her hard nipple. She suddenly felt hands at her wait undoing her belt, she raised her butt so he could slide it off and undo her button and zipper, with the pants loose Jason slid them off an onto the floor. Naomi smiled in the dark as she heard a soft “wow” escape Jason as he felt the smoothness of her shaven pussy over her g-string. She was very wet with anticipation as she felt two fingers slide the tiny fabric to the side and run up and down her slit. When at last he was ready he slid his fingers inside of her and she gasped at the feeling. He started to slide his fingers in and out of her picking up the pace as he went. This felt amazing to Naomi, he seemed to know just was to do to her. Then the fingers left her, and were replaced by something much better, it was the warmth and feel of a tongue. Naomi jerked a few times as Jason licking the wet slit that was Naomi’s pussy, sliding his tongue in, then he found it. The clit. It was Naomi needed, she went nuts, and as he sucked on and flicked his tongue against her clit she moaned and cried out in pleasure. She took his head and shoved it down against her with her hand, never wanting him to leave there. But he did, and she heard the jingling of his belt as he un-did his pants and let them fall to the floor. Soon she could feel him over her again and was ready for what was going to come next. She felt the tip of his cock ever so slightly brush up against her cunt. He ran it up and down her slit getting her ready for it. Then he held it right above her opening and started to slide into her. The feeling of his warm prick in her was amazing. It filled her up and was big enough to stretch her out. The feeling of being so full pleased Naomi and as Jason started to thrust in and out of her she let loose a symphony of moaning and shouting and screams of joy. She told Jason to never stop, she begged him to speed up, to which he increased the speed of his thrusts. The fast paced entrance and removal of jason’s cock was amazing and after a while Naomi felt the beginnings of an orgasm. She rocked up and down on the bed, thrusting her hips as her whole body started to convulse. Soon she was screaming
“ OH JASON, IM gonna CUM!”
He responded by simply speeding up fucking Naomi as fast as he could, he 8” cock pumping into her tight pick pussy as fast as he could. Soon Naomi’s whole body went stiff as she climaxed and enjoyed the wonderful feeling of an orgasm. Not to long after that Jason started to moan and he thrusts were more jerky and soon he announced
Naomi knew the feeling of the warm slimy goo inside of her, and as Jason finished up and pulled out she felt it slide down her thoroughly fucked pussy and out onto the bed. Both were exhausted and laid down together to sleep away what was left of the night. As Naomi drifted off to sleep she was glad this weekend hadn’t turned out so bad.

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