Waves Part Two

Waves Part Two

Coming too once more, this time I the very hospital that I was in yesterday morning when this investigation started. The difference now a nurse in a uniform that definitely was too tight on her was holding my left wrist, checking my pulse. Noticing i’m awake “Well detective Gorwin we were wondering when you come back!” dropping my wrist and recording my pulse onto the chart she picked up. “Doctor Cole will be in soon to check on you herself!”

Great I thought a chick doctor that’s all I need right now, considering I just lost two chicks as partners in the span of twenty-four hours! No sooner thought than she came waltzing in like her shit don’t stink. About five foot six, a even one hundred and ten pounds dressed in a silver lame top and jet black skirt that only highlighted her dark brown eyes and her long legs.

“Detective Gorwin, how many fingers am I holding up?” A slim wrist ending in a hand showing only the middle finger up.

“Fuck you to doc!” my reply making it a snotty as possible “Nice bedside manner!”

“Well his eyes work!” Her voice is smooth making me wonder if we crossed paths before resulting in her attitude towards me. “Don’t hold my test against me detective, it’s hard to get a straight answer out of a concussed person” Shining a penlight into my eyes then “Follow the beam with your eyes please!” directing it left then right , up then down and finally onto her breasts ‘Can you tell me then the light stopped detective?”

Without thinking “On the front of your top, damn close to a sexual harassment complaint to your boss!” getting more pissed by her unprofessional attitude towards me. Swinging my legs off the bed trying to stand. “Look you play you game of doctor with someone else, I’ve got a case to solve!”

“You will do as the physician says or have to answer to me Edward!” from the doorway the robotic voice of Susan 2100. Standing there her robotic eyes red twinged in anger instead of the sky blue I programmed when I purchased her. “Now return to the bed or I will place you there myself!” knowing she will do it, I get back onto the mattress

“Well call me impressed!” Doctor Cole moved back as Susan moves to keep me in bed “We could use her here at the hospital full time, just think of how she could control certain patients!” Consulting the chart once more “Well there seem to be no effects of concussion, so I see no reason why you can’t be released!”

Well finally some good news,now all I had to do is get away from Susan to continue my investigation. I vaguely remember hearing Marie saying something about Karkaren and the schooner Villainous before she was was worked over like the other woman was. Shit Marie I forgot all about her.

“Hey Doc how’s my partner?”

“She’s in the mental ward in a catatonic state since she was examined!” Signing the paper on the chart then continuing “Just like Jane Doe, physically they are alright, mentally though nothing.it’s like their experience was too much for their consciousness to bear” then she said something that made me stop and think “It’s like their a robot with a memory that’s been wiped, and we have no way to reboot it!”

“Well I signed your release papers detective, I suggest some light duties for a couple of days just to be on the safe side.” Saying her piece she takes her leave so I start to get up after giving Susan a warning glance about saying anything.

“You’re free to return home Susan! , I’m off to the library to do some research!” Getting dressed and starting to walk out only to have Susan grasp my hand placing me in an aikido hold, effectively paralyzing me

“You heard the doctor, light duties for the next two days! Now you will accompany me back to our residence and rest!” She marches me out of the hospital over to the smart car I left for her personal need.Without mercy she forces me into the passenger seat and buckles me in so tight I like I’m being cut in half. Trying to adjust the belt earns me a slap on the hands like the nuns used to give me back in the orphanage.

“How hard could doing research into something be?” As she goes around to climb in behind the wheel, giving me just enough time to loosen the belt around me. “Just want to find out a bit about this Karkaren legend.” She ignores my words

”The doctor said rest and rest you will!” Giving me the evil eye as she starts the car, checking all directions before backing out. Why I programmed a slight stubborn streak in her in the initial phase, still remains a mystery to me, but I decide to test just how stubborn she’s going to be about it. Moving my left hand onto the synthi flesh of her right leg, caressing it up and down,each time going closer to her nether region.

“Fuck that hurt!” as her right hand comes down like a guillotine blade onto the hand. Pulling it back to my chest before she get’s anymore ideas of how to stop me.

“Doctor Cole said rest, not sex!’ her right eye moving to take in my left profile. Her left still staring straight ahead on the road.”Do I need to clean out your ear deposits once more?” Cringing at the thoughts of how thorough a job she did last time, remembering how I could hear each individual servo motor of her body whined as it moves.

Sitting back in my seat I allowed her to drive us in silence home while I plotted to get away from her. The master decode key may be needed before the day’s out, unless i can figure out a way to get her to believe me. Coming alongside the public library I get a ploy in my head and decide to give it a go

“Susan can we stop and go get a book for me to read while i rest?” She gives me the look with her right eye but the car turns before we pass the parking entrance.

“Alright Edward but just one book!” Susan relents, parks and walks in with me. She stops in front of the romance section while I go in deeper to the computer

“Computer books on local Indian folklore” A Nano second passes before the screen comes alive with titles. Highlighted in yellow “Dreams Of The Haida” by Dr. John Rapiste and it’s location and status. Great is actually here, going to find it, the library improved it’s shelving system by introducing vocal identification. Just go to the shelf and speak the title and the book is pushed forwards making it easy to find. Doing it I’ve got the book and return to Susan before she decides to come find me.

“I’m ready to go Susan if you are?”

“A new record, only five books scanned!” Turning leading me to the sign out kiosk, then back into the parking lot. Back on the way home I do a fast check in the index hoping to find an reference to an octopus and their it was page 367. Flipping the book open to the page, scanning own find the sentence “The Karkaren an octopus like creature has been reported by the local since the first pictorial histories of the native population” great so now I might have a name,back to the index, Karkaren pages 500-525.

Once more flipping to the pages my eyes are greeted by an artist's rendition of the creature that I’ve I seen and have personal interaction with in person. Then a sharp jab into my ribs “Are you listening to anything I just said?” Hell just for that I’m definately using the master decode key to shut her off for a while. Once safely at home I go into an act of ‘resting’ while Susan goes about her normal routine. Letting an hour pass before i get up and retrieve the master decode key, finding Susan in the kitchen I boldly walk up to her and start kissing her neck and feeling up her breasts before unbuttoning her top, sliding it off her form.

Luckily I programmed her originally to accept any sexual advancement above the waist and to respond appropriately. Kissing her skin from the base of her skull to the top of her shoulder then caressing said skin, she purrs in response unaware I’ve open the decoder key slot between the C2 and C3 vertebrae . Continuing what I started by undoing her pants. Dropping then too the floor, my left hand seeking her sex and the treasure contained there.

Whispering into her ear “Damn I’m so turned on by you Susan!” flicking my tongue along the inner ear then suckling on her lobe.

“But I will burn dinner if we…” That when my finger connects with her pleasure button and she molds her body into mine. What started as a way to turn her off so I could go investigate, backfires as I go rock hard and determined to get relief. Unzipping my fly, taking my cock out, her purrs penetrate my mind turning all my thoughts into sexual desires for this perfect machine once more.

Feeling the mist that signifies she preparing to oil to accept my cock, I sheath my hard cock into her passage. When completely in she purrs long then they turn into soft moans of pleasure, greeting my grunts of lust. As I fuck her, my hand moves to my pocket extracting the decode key fumbling it into the slot before i finally sink it in place. I can feel my balls churning, needing release, so I hold off pressing the button activating the programming sequence.

As I have her programmed she cums, screaming” Yes Edward!” before I follow suit and empty myself into her. A full minute passes before I remember to press the button, instantly Susan stops operating, and the screen built into the base of her skull drops and opens. After typing to remain off for six hours I make my way the coffee table where I left the folklore book, collecting it and turning to the about the author page.

“Dr John Rapiste lives alone with his books in Coastal Paradise” Grabbing the phone speaking the name into it then ‘address’. It robotic voice spout “4576 West Coast Drive” making me wonder just how much an Indian folklorist makes. West Coastal Drive is moneybags property. Not the kind to just drop by I place a call to Dr Rapiste, asking if I could talk to him about my case and a strange octopus creature i’ve seen We agree to meet at his place in an hour, looking over to Susan, my cum in a disposable baggie between her splayed legs on the floor, I suddenly get a guilty conscious.

Moving her into the living room, I use the decode key to position her on the couch like she was napping before leaving to go see the good doctor

To Be Continue

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