Me and Gavin

Me and Gavin

This is a story about my friend and his mother who live next door. I was 24, had graduated from high school early and then graduated from college early. I landed a great job with a big company with a sizable signing bonus which I applied to a down payment on a house. I had lived there for 6 months and had gotten to know my neighbors very well. Janice, a nurse worked at the local hospital. She had been divorced for several years and worked hard to provide for her 12 year old son Gavin.
Gavin was a slender 12 year old boy in 7th grade who measured only 5’2” tall and about 90 pounds with short, light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was your typical 7th grade boy that loved video games, soccer, wrestling and just horsing around. Years and years of soccer had sculpted him into the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. His body was slender with absolutely no body fat, his legs were long and lean but muscly at the same time, he sported a little six pack for abs and his little butt was just amazing, almost memorizing. His skin was nicely tanned and hairless, his entire body was hairless and he had no idea just how beautiful he really was. He was smart and made good grades in all of his classes, a straight A student which his mom was very proud of. Gavin was a respectful kid, but he also cut loose a little when his mom wasn’t around swearing when we played video games and saying things that may seem a little inappropriate.
He came over quite often after school and on the weekends because Janice worked constantly. She was after all a head nurse and her supervisor asked her to pull double shifts on a regular basis. She didn’t mind because it put extra money in her pocket to pay the bills while saving for Gavin’s college education at the same time. We played video games, swam in the pool and wrestled on the living room floor. Like most boys his age he wasn’t much for clothes so as soon as he came over he took off everything but his tight little shorts. I was becoming more and more attracted to my little friend. When we would wrestle on the floor I found myself shoving my face into his crouch and around his neck taking in all of his little boy smell. So sweet and so innocent I loved the way he looked and smelled. On more than one occasion my face went in the crack of his underwear so that my nose was right beside his bald little ball sack. The smell was like fresh flowers mixed with musky boy sweat. I couldn’t get enough of it.
It was hard for to conceal my hard cock as we moved around on the floor pinning and touching each other. I let my hands glide across his beautiful little body on the outside of his shirt and shorts. Our wrestling had become a regular occurrence that we both enjoyed. I think he liked it when I put my nose next to his bald penis and little ball sack. Often times he would hold my head and kind of thrust his stiff member against my cheek or lips. So many times I wanted to take it in my mouth and suck him off but I was too nervous and scared to do so.
Gavin was totally into soccer. I went to all of his soccer games, often I had to take him because Janice was working. He was an amazing soccer player, fast, aggressive and probably the team’s best player. His coach recognized this and called him “The Star”, all of the other boys knew it too and they were just glad that he was on their team.
After one of his games we all went back to his house. Janice said that she was late for work and that there was food in the fridge if we were hungry. She quickly stormed out of the house and was off to work. Gavin said, “I’m going to go take a shower and then we can play some video games”. I said “OK” as I followed him to his room. I sat on the bed pretending to look at some gaming magazines while he began to undress. He took off his shirt exposing that beautiful chest and his tight little abs. Then he pulled off his shoes and socks. I’m not sure if he knew that I was looking but I couldn’t help but watch him. Then he pushed his shorts and jock strap off and tossed them on the floor next to his shoes. My God, there he was in front of me completely naked and he was beautiful. I stared at his tight little ass and his 3 1/2” bald penis in awe, in awe of his beauty with his tight little ball sack still tight under his young penis. I think he noticed me looking but didn’t really seem to care as he turned and went into the bathroom for his shower.
My dick had become stiff while watching him undress, as he left the room I looked down at the floor. I saw his shoes and clothes in a little pile. I reached down and picked up his little jock strap and buried my face into it, “Oh my God what a heavenly scent” I thought as I drew a deep breathe smelling in his sweet, musky ball sweat. I repeated over and over smelling in all of his boy scent. As I sat there with his jock pressed firmly against my face I gently reached down to stroke my shaft and after a few quick strokes found myself cumming in my shorts. I thought I heard him getting out of the shower so I shoved his jock strap in my pocket and went downstairs to regain myself. After a few minutes Gavin emerged from his room wearing what he normally wore on the weekends, underwear and shorts…that’s it. “Let’s wrestle” he said in an enthusiastic voice. I was in no condition to come close to him I was freakin turned on, so I replied “let’s just play video games for a while.” He agreed so we sat and played video games for a few hours, talked about anything and everything and got snacks occasionally from the kitchen. Janice returned home from work earlier than normal. I could tell that she was tired so I said “it’s late, I’m going to go home and get some sleep”. Gavin said “hey, don’t forget about my big game tomorrow”. “Of course not” I said “we need to leave at 10am so don’t oversleep”.
When I got back to my house I went back to my room, laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. Now in I had the chance to go back through the afternoons events, repeating the scene of him undressing in my mind where I had paid close attention to every tiny detail without even really knowing it. Taking his jock in my hand and covering my face with it…how good it smelled. I reached down and began to massage my buldge, after a couple of minutes I noticed something thick in my pocket. I reached in my pocket and immediately thought “Oh Shit”, I got nervous when I heard him get out of the shower and stuffed his jock in my pocket. I meant to go back to his room later and through it on the floor. I withdrew the jock from my pocket and by now it was just lightly damp. I brought it my face and laid it across my nose. It still had that same heavenly scent that only he could produce. I unbuttoned my shorts and pushed them down along with underwear. I took my shaft in my hand and began to stroke it while breathing as deeply as possible. That smell made me so horny it was long before I was creaming in my hand. I wiped off my hand and quickly fell off to sleep.
I woke up the next morning and quickly showered and dressed. I his jock in my own underwear drawer until I figure out how to return it without anyone knowing. It was Saturday and Gavin had a double header, two games back to back. I went next door and found him in the kitchen eating breakfast while Janice finished getting ready. “Ready for the big game today Champ” I asked. He said “oh ya, there is no stopping me today”. Soon Janice came in and we all left for the game.
Gavin played in both nearly the entire time. They won both games and Gavin had scored most of their goals so he was on cloud nine..MVP. On the way home we stopped for a burger, fries and a shake and his mom said “you were amazing out there today”.
When we got home Gavin said “I need a shower” and I said “me too after sitting it the sun for hours, I’m going to go home and take a shower”. Janice said “why don’t you boys go take a cool bath in the garden tub”. I was surprised at her offer and looked at Gavin who was wide eyed and giddy as he said “do you want to”. I said “sure, a nice cool bath sounds good right about now”. So we went to the master bathroom and Gavin turned on the water to the large bathtub. We both began to undress, I couldn’t help but stare as he took off his shoes and socks…those beautiful little slender feet. Then he pulled his soccer jersey off and as he raised his arms above his head, I could see his bald little arm pits which really turned me on. Then he pushed his shorts and jock strap to the floor in one fail swoop as he quickly stepped out of them and tossed them to the side. There Gavin was, completely naked in front of me and he said “aren’t you going to get undressed too?” I was so hard that I was almost embarrassed to take my clothes off but I did so anyway. As I took off my clothes he took notice of my hard dick and just smiled as he sat down in the tub. After I finished undressing I moved over and sat down in tub, opposite from him so that we were looking at each other.
We sat in the cool water and before I knew Gavin held up his leg and said that he was sore from playing two straight games. I told him that I would rub him down and that should make the pain go away. He lifted is leg out of the water and I took his calf in my hand. I started to massage it, his leg and foot now in front of my face. His slender little foot was so beautiful; all I wanted to do is suck it. I took the bar of soap and began to run it up and down his little foot as I massaged it at the same time. I could tell that he liked this as he laid his head back and let out a little moan. After a few minutes of lathering up his foot I put it in the water and cleaned it off. As I brought it back out of the water I could see his eyes were still closed as he leaned back against the tub.
I brought his foot closer to my face and noticed how they were carefully manicured. I opened my mouth and took in his big toe and started to suck it while I rubbed his calf. He didn’t say anything at first, he just moved around and said “yes, I like that”. With his encouragement I took each one of his little toes into my mouth and sucked them. I could feel his other foot pressing firmly against my hard cock as he moved it up and down like he as jacking me off. He said “suck my toes, and then you can suck my dick”. I opened my mouth as much as possible and I shoved almost half his foot in my mouth, sticking my tongue in between each one of his little toes. He couldn’t believe I had his foot in mouth, but he loved feeling of my tongue moving between his toes.
Suddenly the bathroom door swung open and we heard “I’m going to be late”….oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, I thought to myself as Janice was standing there looking at us with Gavin’s foot in my mount. I was frozen; I didn’t know what to do or say so I just sat there for a few seconds, which seemed like an eternity. Slowly I let his little foot slide out of my mouth ready to hear her scream at me, his little toes glistening with my saliva all over them. Janice said, “well that was a mouthful wasn’t it, Gavin do you like him sucking your toes?” He replied quickly, “yes, I like him licking and sucking my toes”. Janis asked if there was anything else he wanted me to suck. All Gavin could say was “oh yeah, I’ve got something else he can suck”.
Janis looked at me and said “is there anything else you want to suck”? “Do you want me to be honest” I said? Janis said “yes, you are amongst friends and we won’t judge you”? I said OK, I want to lick both of his feet and suck all of his toes. I want to suck every one of his toes and lick his little feet from top to bottom. I want to bury my face in his stomach licking his tight little abs working my way to his little belly button. I want to stick my tongue in Gavin’s little belly button hole while squeezing his beautiful young thighs.

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