Lost In The Wilderness

Lost In The Wilderness

Fbailey story number 334

Lost In The Wilderness

I was dumb enough to sign up for a wilderness survival course one summer. Being a school teacher I get the whole summer off each year and I try to broaden my experiences each year. I have done some dumb things in the past but this may have been the dumbest.

I had a week of intensive training in a classroom environment along with some hands on experience outside but not nearly enough for the real world. I learned to make fire from flint and steel, I learned how to catch fish, trap rabbits, and how to forage for nuts and berries. I actually thought that I was prepared for the great outdoors…and then I was set free. Oh I had signed the proper forms releasing them of any responsibility but…

When the helicopter dropped me off with only the clothes on my back, a Rambo knife, and a map; then said, “If you’re not back in two weeks we will come out and look for your body.” I was not impressed.

The best I figured it I was about a hundred and fifty miles from the destination marked on the map. I would have to travel about ten miles a day, forage for food, and survive too.

I could not believe it when I found a plastic bag in my pocket along with a note, “Pretend that this is a canteen.”

After a few hours though I realized just how important that plastic bag was. When I found a small stream I was very thirsty from walking and I had drank too much too quickly. Then I filled my canteen and rested. What was I going to eat? Where was I going to sleep? How far had I walked? I guess I dozed off because when I woke up I was cold and it was very dark. I just shivered until it was light enough to start moving. I realized my hunger and kept an eye out for a food source.

I got lucky and found a hickory nut tree with nuts on the ground around it, I found a crab apple tree, and I found some wild berries. I ate all that I could and then I debated using my plastic bag to store my food. What a dilemma, food or water? I decided that I could stuff enough nuts and apples into my pockets to get me through the next day or two and headed out.

That night I managed to fid a place under a tree with enough low branches to help shelter me from the cool night air.

On the third day I was trying to catch a fish in a stream. I could see it but I just couldn’t manage to catch it when I heard a voice call out, “Use your brain not your brawn.”

That was what our instructor had often told us during our week of training. I looked up to see Jennifer the only girl in our class with us four guys. She was pretty and we guys had teased her about being into survival. Well she showed us up pretty good in class.

I was actually happy to see her and I was glad that she had found me. She was too. I caught the fish, she started a fire, and we ate that little thing along with some nuts that I had left over and some apples that she had found.

When I asked Jennifer how she managed to get a fire started so easily she just smiled at me and said, “I didn’t get strip searched” Well I hadn’t gotten strip searched either. Jennifer reached down her blouse into her ample cleavage and retrieved a small box of matches that were waterproof and windproof. I was impressed.

We decided to spend the night there and get an early start in the morning. She taught me more of what I should have been taught than I had actually learned in our class. Jennifer and I gathered up dried leaves, broke off pine bows, and prepared a lean-to for the night. It wasn’t very big but she said that we should snuggle to share our body heat. I kind of liked that idea.

We then scouted around for more transportable food. We gathered up what we thought that we could carry and settled in for the night. Jennifer sat in front of me and pulled my arms around her for warmth. Needless to say my cock rose up between us pretty quickly.

Then Jennifer said, “That’s not fair.”

I asked, “What?”

She giggled and said, “Sexual stimulation results in a raise in body temperature.”

I repeated, “What?”

She said, “When you’re horny your warmer. Now rub my nipples so I don’t feel left out.”

Wow! Jennifer wanted me to rub her nipples. I had wanted to do that and a lot more ever since seeing her that first day in class. I cupped her breasts, felt her bra, and then I rubbed my fingers around to excite her nipples. She was right, I did feel warmer and I was getting warmer all the time.

As darkness settled in we cuddled spoon fashion in the lean-to. I reached up under her blouse and rubbed my hands across her breasts. Jennifer pulled away from me a little and I thought that I had done something wrong.

Then she said, “Unhook my bra, that should help you get to my breasts better.”

Wow! Now she was asking me to touch them. I liked that. So I unfastened her bra and reached up under one cup to cup her full breast. I massaged her breasts and played with her nipples until we were both rather excited.

Soon her hand was behind her, between us, and rubbing my crotch through my pants. She was using her other hand to rub her own crotch. That was working out quite well until she stopped suddenly. Had she cum and then forgotten about me?

Then she said, “I don’t want a cold ass so if you want sex, you drop your pants to your knees and let me get on top.”

“Okay.” I got up dropped my pants and underwear to my knees and then got on my back. Jennifer then stood up and removed her pants and panties. Then she got on top of my cock and rode me into the ground. Could that little lady ever ride! Jennifer did a fabulous job of it. She got me so excited that I must have pumped a hundred-million sperm into her.

After that she used her panties to clean herself up, put her pants back on and lay down next to me. I pulled my underwear and pants back up without cleaning up first. She was right my ass was certainly cold but the rest of me was quite warm indeed. I cuddled into her and we both fell asleep contented.

At dawn we woke up and it was chilly. I had to pee like a racehorse so I just walked a few feet away and let it go. Jennifer giggled and then removed her pants and squatted down next to me. She peed and then she farted. Once more she used her panties to wash herself up with stream water. She was even kind enough to wash me up too, saying that at home she has to wash her toys so why not here. I filled my plastic bag water jug, we filled out pockets with food, and Jennifer even placed a good size apple in her cleavage and it stayed there. We were off.

I wasn’t sure about Jennifer, but I was certainly feeling much better. I had a good nights sleep, I wasn’t sexually frustrated, and I had even eaten enough. We headed toward a pond that was on the map. When we got there it was well after noon and we decided to settle in again for the night. First we gathered what food that we could find, made a shelter, and then we went for a swim, nude of course. That was actually my first look at her fine tits. Jennifer could swim like a fish. On my way into shore I spotted a turtle and she spotted a big bullfrog. We each managed to capture our prey. Jennifer suggested turtle soup so I managed to open the turtle up and salvage the top of its shell to serve as our cooking utensil. Meanwhile Jennifer started another fire and went to look for more frogs. When she returned she had three bullfrogs and a beautiful trout. We ate like kings that night. The frog’s legs tasted just like chicken, the fish was great, and I had my very first taste of turtle and it wasn’t bad either.

Before it got dark we made love the proper way with us both naked, fucking like bunnies, and praising God with all our might. We took another swim and dried off around our campfire. We went to bed, cuddled tightly, and enjoyed another good night of sleep.

The next morning we plotted out a course that took us to more ponds, creeks, and valleys. It was easier to walk around a big hill or mountain than it was to climb over it.

We were a couple of days ahead of schedule when we got to that last pond. Jennifer suggested that we just hang out and enjoy the last few days before we pretended to stagger into the training camp on the last day. Okay.

That last two days was like a honeymoon to us. We kissed, we hugged, and we fucked all that we wanted to. We enjoyed the warm pond water and we ate like kings every night. I hadn’t told Jennifer that I was married because I was falling in love with her. I though that she was feeling the same way but she never told me.

So fourteen days after we started out we marched into camp as if we hadn’t been gone for two weeks. We were clean, refreshed, and well fed. Our clothes were washed clean and I was even sort of shaved. which was not easy to do with a Rambo knife.

As a surprise my wife was there to greet me and congratulate me on a job well done. Jennifer looked at the man standing next to my wife and whispered, “That’s my husband.” We ran to them, took them in our arms, and kissed them passionately. We introduced the other to our spouses and exchanged greetings.

Later we were told by the camp director that the other three guys had chickened out and never took the final challenge. We were asked to point out our route on a big topographic map in the training room. The instructors praised us for finding one another and working as a team. They thought that it was brilliant that we headed toward the ponds as a source of water and food. The idea of not trying to go in a straight line and taking the path of least resistance was a good idea too.

Jennifer and I earned our certificates, said our goodbyes, and promised to keep in touch.

The End
Lost In The Wilderness

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