Life Of Lex Part 1_(3)

Life Of Lex Part 1_(3)

I had almost gotten used to Lex's unannounced entries into my room. I had asked her to stop just barging in naked, so now panties and a bra were usually involved or a towel if she'd just been showering.

"Do you date?" she blurted out instead of a greeting. She was wearing extra short pajama shorts and a tank top. From past experience I knew she probably didn't have panties on underneath. Her breasts, barely restrained by the tight shirt made it more than obvious she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Hi Lex, how are you?" I thought maybe I could avoid the question.

"I'm great, you're great. Yeah, yeah, yeah; don't change the subject."

"Yes, I date." It wasn't a complete lie.

"Really? Because I haven't seen a guy around here since we moved in."

"Ok, so it's been a little while. I'm in between guys right now. It's not a big deal. I'm, sure I'll meet someone soon." I wasn't sure what she was getting at, but I instinctively wanted to avoid it.

"How often do you touch yourself?" I couldn't believe she had just said it.

"Uh...I...I..." I stuttered for a minute. "I don't really think that's your business."

"It's not a big deal. Here, I'll go first. I masturbate all the time, at least once each day, unless I had really amazing sex the night before. Then sometimes I can skip a day. Does that make you more comfortable? Come on, now you go."

That was really more than I needed to know about her, but it had gotten my attention. I did feel better about sharing now and a part of me wanted to hear a little more about her sex life.

"I...I don't know, maybe once or twice a week?"

"Are you kidding? That's it?"

"There's nothing wrong with not masturbating." I tried to defend my frequency to her.

"And there's nothing wrong with masturbating. You gotta let loose a little bit. What kind of toys do you have? Let me see what you're working with here." She started lifting my mattress, looking under pillows. "Where do you keep them?"

"Them? There is no 'them'."

"None at all? Do you want to borrow some?" She asked like it was a cute outfit or a movie. "I've got more than I can use at one time, not that I haven't tried."

She laughed and nudged me in the ribs as she opened my nightstand. "Here we go!" Her hand emerged with my vibrator and she grabbed the stack of books next to it.

"Ok, you found it. Do you feel better? I masturbate. I have a dildo and dirty books and everything." I acted like I didn't want to talk about it, but only because I knew she was going to continue either way. I was glad.

"This isn't a dildo, it’s a vibrator, and not much of one. I like the books though, that's kind of kinky. I can see it now, you lying in here, flicking the bean, reading stories. It’s What's your favorite one?" I slid next to where she was sitting on the bed and took the book from her.

"Page thirty-eight. It's about a girl and her boyfriend. They start fooling around, then she's going down on him and his friend walks in. Her boyfriend panics and tries to cover himself up, but his friend pulls his out and walks over to her." I was getting wet repeating it.

"She reaches out and touches it, a little scared because it's so much larger than her boyfriend's. Then she puts it in her mouth. Her boyfriend pulls the covers off of his and starts stroking it. Then he stands and comes over to where she's sucking his friend. She goes back and forth sucking them both." I flipped the pages as I told her about it, I was getting really horny now.

"Do they fuck her?" She sounded really interested. I could tell she was getting horny too.

"The boyfriend does. He gets behind her and they, well...fuck, doggy style. His friend cums in her mouth while the boyfriend cums in her..."

"Cunt," Lex finished my sentence. She was breathing heavier and when I looked up at her I thought she pulled her hand away from her crotch. Was she touching herself right here? Listening to me tell the story?

"Yeah, her cunt," I repeated. "Then she licks them both clean." I trailed off for a minute and we both sat there, silent. She hopped up from the bed and grabbed my hand.

"Come with me. You showed me yours, its only fair I show you mine now." She dragged me through the bathroom and into her room. Reaching under the bed she pulled out a plastic storage box and threw it on the bed. She clicked the lid off and revealed a treasure trove of sex toys inside. "Unlike you, I like some variety," she laughed.

I stared at them for a minute, wanting to reach in and take one out but afraid to touch them.
“This was my first one,” Lex reached in and pulled out a rubber dick. It was a normal size, that familiar not-quite-flesh tone. “My mom gave it to me.” She must have seen the shock hit my face. “Not in a creepy way, ya pervert,” she smacked at my knee but left her hand resting there for just a second. “My parents were pretty touchy feely. You know, I’m ok, you’re ok, kinda stuff. Anyway, this girl at my school had to go to the hospital because the tip of a hotdog, or a hair brush, or some shit broke off inside of her.”

“My mom was terrified it could happen to me, so she rushed out and got me this. She said she wanted to spare me the embarrassment of teaching me how to use it, but she had found this how-to video. Jilling off for dummies I used to call it. I showed it to all my friends, we laughed at how embarrassing it was, but I think they were a little jealous.”

“You watched the video with your friends?”

“Yeah, I watched that video a lot. I’ve got it around here somewhere, I’ll show it to you when I find it.” Her room was usually pretty messy, it could take a while. “Do you like porn?”

“I haven’t really watched that much. It never really interested me.”

“You’re so repressed. You don’t watch porn, barely masturbate,” she picked up her remote and put on the TV. “Here, I think you’ll like this one. It’s got a story to it, somewhat. I usually skip ahead of that part, it’s about pirates, really sexy.”

As the TV came to life, the auto-resume flashed across the top of the screen and brought us to the last scene Lex had been watching. It was not about pirates. The video came up on a poorly centered shot of Lex. She was naked and on her knees in the middle of someone’s bedroom. A man had just pulled an unusually large dick from her mouth and was stroking it as he came across her face.

“Oh shit,” she said without any urgency in her voice. “I switched movies last night. This is more of a ‘home video’ kind of thing.” I didn’t know how to respond, she didn’t turn it off. I wasn’t sure if I should look away or keep watching. I kept watching.

“Thank…you…baby,” the video of Lex said in between licks as she cleaned the cum off his dick.

“He had a nice cock,” she reminisced. “Guys love it if you bring a camera into the bedroom.”

“I’ve never tried it,” I admitted.

“It freaks some girls out, I just make sure I keep the tape. Then I don’t have to worry about who he shows it too. Have you ever wanted to try it?”

“I don’t know, an audience might put too much pressure on me.”

“You get used to it, I shared a room with a girl in college,” she confided. “At first we would ask the other to stay gone for a while, but it got to be a hassle. When one of us had a boy over, the other would just lay still and pretend to be asleep. I don’t know how many times we listened to each other fuck.” She was reminiscing again. “Sometimes I’d sneak a guy in first and we’d both lay still, then I’d jerk him off while she got laid.”

“That’s a lot wilder than my college experience.”

“That’s not even the best of it. We had a double date one night, brought them home and fucked them both on the same bed.” She seemed to be enjoying this trip down memory lane. “What about you, what was your ‘college experience’?”

“I had sex with a couple of guys. Not together, you know, just while I was there.”

“That’s it? No crazy threesomes, or wild nights in the dorms with the girls?” I paused for a minute. “That’s it, isn’t it? You went all lezzie in college; you little slut. Who was she?”

“I didn’t go all lezzie. I did have a roommate, and we,” I was a little afraid to say it, “masturbated, together, sometimes.”

“That’s pretty hot.” She raised her eyebrows at me, looked around then crawled toward me across the bed. “How’d you do it?” She asked quietly, her voice suddenly low and sexy.

“Well, we would usually sit next to each other,” I was a little uncomfortable, but there was no way I was stopping. “She would put her leg over mine. We’d have our shirts off, of course.” I was getting really wet reliving the memories from college. Lex was leaning over me, breathing on my neck and chest.

“Can I kiss you?” she asked, still in her throaty, sexy voice. I hesitated, not knowing what to say. She took it as an invitation and brought her lips to mine. Her tongue probed deep into my mouth. I pressed back with mine, swirling it around her tongue and towards her mouth. She pulled back and nibbled at my lip for a second as I lay there breathless.

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